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Analysis Become Paralysis.

Today topic may be a bit bitter for most of the reader. We especially cover some people, such as businessmen, professionals, students, etc. Do you know, the biggest disease in the world, which does not get caught in any test? I meet every day a lot of people and exchange our thoughts and finally get the perfect name for that disease- "Analysis Paralysis".

In my opinion, the Indian Student is one of the largely infected by this disease. Now maybe you will be smiling with too many questions, but hang on, maybe you will get your answer after complete this article. The reason behind the birth of this disease- Easy availability each and every information at one click, so make this less mental exercise.

For a better understanding, take a reference search engine, like- Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. In today's era, we get so much material to analyze, so that data can be analyzed or not, but our brain is definitely exhausted in a few hours. According to research, 73 out of 100 people are victims of this disease. If you have a curiosity to know about the symptoms, like-

You take advice from a lot of people

if you have to do something in your life then leave this habit. The easiest way to get rid of life is to give advice to others, either they have any knowledge about the subject or not, but they will definitely give you advice. Finally, you come to the Fear of Zone, ultimately you do nothing. Now you start waiting for the right time, which never comes into life, "People who wait only get what is left by people who try".

Thinking about failure before taking action towards success -

If anyone in this world had achieved anything big, not because he is very intelligent people, but because he used his wisdom. A thin line difference between Intelligence and Wisdom The intelligent person tries to prove himself right, but a person with a good sense(wisdom) doesn't care about people and their opinion, but he himself knows that he will do, is not waste his energy for the extravagant, neither he Will waste his ruin for stupid things. A person with a good sense- "work hard in silence, let your success be your voice"

It is a good thing to get advice from people but it is not good to get confused with advice. In the world, no one care, whether you are successful or fail, you live or die(except your friend and your family), then when no one cares about you and your actions, then why do you care about those people. There is nothing to worry about in life, it has to be contemplated.

If you have to do anything in life, then it is a good habit to analyze, but to stay at analyzing, and not taking any action is not the right thing to do. If you have to do anything, then your desire and your action must be in sync with you, if there is no relation between your desire and action, then you will get nothing.

Take a reference of one the great revolutionary person Elon Musk, once he told in his interview, "there are not too many patent files as compared to the last decade, not because the number of intelligent people going to decrease, but the level of wisdom going to lapse". Actually, today's generation doesn't know about the real hard work.

Take another reference, An author named Napoleon Hill, he gave his 25 years of life to write a book. Whose name "Think and Grow Rich" publishing in 1937. he had been researched more than 25000 people to write the book. Today, writers don't have even imagine and honestly, only some of the good writers have guts to make research before writing a book.

Life is not just to do analysis, but also need to take action. Only if you are good in the first one (analysis) and fail in the second step (take action), then definitely the time will have come when your analyze becomes the state of paralysis for your life. And one of the most important thing, which everybody should know there is no "UNDO BUTTON" in the real world.

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